Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shoot! I've got two computers! Ooh - and Season's Greetings!

I spent a LONG time writing a new blog entry yesterday and, as I'm frantically looking for the file to upload it and CANNOT find it, I just realized that I wrote it on my laptop! Of course, I"m on the desktop, now (the only computer I use to upload).

Computers are like teddy bears. I've always got one with me to write on but sometimes it's just my smart phone. As I mentioned, I got a new (cheap) laptop to replace the one that I need to return to my last employer (it's going back as soon as I take all of my files off of it, probably between Christmas and New Year's).  And I've got my old dinosaur of a desktop. It's been very reliable but the C drive is so full, it gets confused. I need to pull everything off of it, start over, and get rid of the partitioning. Or just replace it as soon as I can afford it. Oh, dear,  I shouldn't have said that where it could read it! It erased everything for a second! I'm sorry. I'll maintain you better; I promise! I'll even replace your non-functioning ports! Just don't fail me!

I imagine that I would have just talked to myself, in the days before computers. I occasionally kept a journal but it was so much work because I don't write very legibly. This is so much more satisfying. I really do like computers. I wonder if I frustrate them as much as they sometimes frustrate me, though. Or maybe I'm just over-anthropomorphizing them. Good computer! Very good computer (pat, pat)! I need my computer at least as much as it needs me to provide electricity and spare parts, though.

Happy Holidays! Mid-December has snuck up on me, for the reasons I'll explain tomorrow. Merry Christmas, a belated Happy Hannukah, Joyous Beltane, or whatever holiday you celebrate. I don't have any problem with offering any kind of holiday greetings. I celebrate Christmas (like the majority of Americans) but it's the time of year when we ideally offer the gift of peace and happiness to everybody - so don't get annoyed if I give you more holiday cheer than you personally celebrate. Don't get upset if people and stores are generic in their greetings; any polite seasonal salutation shouldn't be offensive, so don't make it a big deal if it isn't the particular one you want. "Happy Holidays" in no way decreases my Christmas and it shouldn't affect your celebration, either. I'm not being politically correct; I just like the season and the ideal sentiment. It gives me the illusion of hope for my fellow citizens. Be nice when someone offers you a happy season's greetings. It defeats the whole sentiment of Christmas to take offense. And that's my rant for the day!

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