Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jack is not Cubbie

                Contrary to John’s assertions, our son has a lot of names: John, Jack, The Kid, and Cubbie. They are context-related. John has called our son “Cubbie” for the last few years but not for his whole life, as he stated in his book, “Look Me in the Eye.” I have already explained the origins of the name. John even named the boat after the baby, the “Bearcub.” When Jack was four or five, John got a new boat. Before John painted “Bearcub II” on the transom, Jack raised his objections. “I’m not a bearcub, I’m a KID!” So the new boat was named, “The Kid.”
About that time, we both started to refer to Jack as “The Kid.” John only started calling him “Cubbie” exclusively in the last few years, and then, only after he wrote it for his book. Since “Look Me in the Eye” was published, total strangers have started to call Jack, “Cubbie.” Jack doesn’t like it but is too polite to object. After all, his father wrote it and it would be rude and even disloyal to contradict him. Jack doesn’t mind anymore when his father renames him but it’s not the same when a total stranger does it.
                I have my own names for Jack. I still use “The Kid” when I refer to him to his father, but I’ve called him “Sweet Pea” since he was a baby, although I alternated between that and B.B. (short for Baby Boy or Beast Boy, depending on my mood). I never tell people that it’s his name, though! I’ve always referred to him to others as “Jack.” And that is usually his name to those outside the family. School officials have usually called him “John,” his legal name.
                So, if you meet Jack, don’t call him “Cubbie.” Don’t call him “Sweet Pea,” “B.B.,” or “the Kid,” either. Call him “Jack,” and you won’t annoy him!

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