Sunday, December 29, 2013

Facebook blues - or crazies. Take your pick.

This is the entire thread from a post that John made on his Facebook page from a few days ago. The whole thing really upset me, so I'm posting it here, mostly to vent. I've edited it for clarity (removing people's thumbnails, timestamps, and how many people liked a post). I have all of this on file, for those who might think I edited it to my own advantage. I've also added in the places where other people edited their comments after originally posting. Finally, justified to the right border, I've adding in notes of my own, to explain my thought processes as this was taking place. Otherwise, I've left in the posts exactly as they appeared, typos and all, although I redacted the last name of the most prolific poster, for reasons that should become obvious.

John Elder Robison
From the Robison Archive . . . Cubby tests the flamethrower, after zombies are reported three miles away. Needless to say, it worked.

Stacey Eubanks Herrera
My son got two cases of MREs today. He's still begging for a flamethrower (he already checked and says they are not illegal here)!

John Elder Robison
They are legal most places, as far as I know

Suzanne Scott Ruckman
Okay, spill! My 10 yo asked for a flamethrower for Christmas!

We use them in Texas for burning certain grasses for other seeds to grow...

Lisa Bennett Lyman
That would come in so handy for snow/ice removal. The neighbors hate me anyway, might as well go for it.

Miriam Rubinoff
Once you have the MREs, the flamethrower isn't far behind. Just be careful where you light the match.

Matthew Scott Brady
They are legal because most governments assume that they are too impractical for you to have.

Apparently, they hadn't considered the Aspie Mad Scientist demographic and our ability to build crazy sh*t in the garage... Muhuhahahaha...

Greg Poppino
Matthew Scott Brady read "Raising Cubby"; it has interesting insight on what can happen when an Aspie science geek gets the not-quite-understanding scrutiny of overzealous Feds who've seen videos of homemade stuff that goes boom.

Mary Robison
As the raidee, let me assure you that "legal" is a matter of interpretation - ultimately the jury's, but the D.A. can make your life a living hell in the meanwhile.

Jury or judge depending on whom you chose. American law is based on case law which gives interpretations of the actual laws. As for District Attorneys.. they represent the people of the state. When you engage your children in hazardous activities, people can file a complaint to the D. A. ... Don't blame the lawyers.

Note – the implication is that I allowed my son to engage in hazardous activities.

Esp if the children are underage...and no parent is around.

Note – the implication is that I did not supervise my child.

Mary Robison
There's a local saying - "A good D.A. can indict a ham sandwich." The implication is that you don't have to be doing anything illegal to get indicted for something. I DO blame the lawyers for that.

Note – did I say anything about hating all district attorneys? I was actually paraphrasing Jack's lawyer, who said that, except for the fact she couldn't stand him, he might have thought that our DA wanted to make him a rich man for all of the inappropriate cases of prosecution that wound up hiring him for defense!

The District Attorneys represent the people of the state.. if you hate and blame them, then you blame the people of the state. Perhaps Minding an underage child is far better than an investigation and a charge made on evidence. If challenges the people of the state and the laws their law makers created , perhaps you need to be more mindful of rights of others as well

Note – BINGO! First mention of the word, “hate” and I didn't make it.

You can blame anyone like most socialists do, but that means didly squat in the reality of things and using and teaching responsibility

You can blame anyone like most socialists do, but that means didly squat in the reality of things and using and teaching responsibility. Too many people do not want to take responsibility for their actions.. it boils down to that more than the D.A.

Note – socialist? This actually came from a previous disagreement I had with Yvonne, when I suggested she was a polite equivalent to bat-shit crazy for believing that the implementation of the ACA would result in everyone being implanted with microchips, to track them! I kid you not!

As much as I understand Cubby because I have friends whose geek son at 14 did the same thing... that parents need to be aware of what their children are involved in and if they are using devices, chemical etc that require adult supervision. If you lacked in that, you lack in parenting.. I , myself as a child was on a constant watch list with my mom when she heard the tool box in the garage being opened.. next words from the kitchen unseen was "Yvonne, what are you up to". Parents who shoot the D.A> also need to look at how they handled it as parents.

It costs taxpayers too much tax dollars for irresponsible neglect of children using dangerous things... parents should be there with them. As a child if I used a flame thrower, I had a parent around like John is while taking a photo.. Hunting.. a child should be with the parent. If you are not with them, D.A. has a right and children protection services to investigate and indict. IT all could have been prevented if a parent was present.

Note – Understand what she's saying – that John is a responsible parent for supervising his child in the use of a flame-thrower! (Not really – it's photoshopped). Since all of Jack's chemistry videos were made at John's house or in the woods near John's house, I'm not sure how she has twisted this into my not properly supervising Jack.

Mary Robison
Conservatives and Republicans rarely let the facts get in the way of their spin. But enough highjacking of John's thread - you don't like me and I don't care! But say nasty things about my kid and you've got another story. You know NOTHING about socialism, or you wouldn't be a Republican! You know nothing about how my son was parented. You know nothing about my local politics. You also know nothing about Photoshop.

Note – OK, this is where I lost my temper and deliberately poked the bear. I'm referencing that prior disagreement, when she explicitly accused me of being an arm of the NSA. Although why the NSA would take a known "socialist", I still don't understand... 

I would say the same for socialists who are responsible for the largest numbers of mass murder in human history.

I would say the same for socialists who are responsible for the largest numbers of mass murder in human history. I use photo shop since it came out. The shadowed edges are obvious.. I am a retired art professor. you ASS U ME too much.

Note – this was edited after I commented that I didn't care what her educational background was.

no one is hijacking.. I never stated I did not like you.. we are discussing Johns topic.

no one is hijacking.. I never stated I did not like you.. we are discussing Johns topic. seems like you are spinning and getting hyper emotional. BTW I was president of women's liberation in my city at the age of 19 and I was a republican the next years still being the president.. I am a feminists and so is my husband and daughter and her husband s family.. so what does this have to do with hating representatives of the state criminal laws?

Note – this is where she's overtly gone into her own little world where I'm the evil socialist who hates the minions of law and order.

IF you mention you dislike and blame D.As you have to realize not everyone will agree. Mary, I worked in the criminal justice system for almost 10 yrs and went to law school. My husband is an attorney.. I simply responded to your comment. I have no emotion about it

Note – husband is an attorney. She went to law school, but either did not finish or did not take the bar exam. It is not clear in what capacity she worked in criminal justice. Exactly what her qualifications are, not clear, but she is claiming expertise. For someone without emotion, she gets pretty heated.

I never said anything nasty about "your child". I did say when parents blame attorneys , even if it is DA or defense.. they need to look at their examples as parents.. who was with Cubby when he was a child when that occurred.. ? its not about Cubby.

Note – she's right, here. She never said anything nasty about Jack, just me.

Leo Zicc
nothing to warm the heart like a boy and his flamethrower.

I know nothing about socialism? my family lived in socialist Czechoslovakia who had socialism forced on them. Do you know my educational background. ? I do know parenting when I see it

and his father who is with him... Leo..

Note – Not to denegrate John but, prior to our divorce, he was a one-day-a-week dad. He did his best, but a lot of things got in the way (mostly getting the business making money, but some of his activities were really not good. Enough said.). John was with Jack on Sundays, only, from birth to age 7.

In Tx as I stated, we use flame throwers for native grass manipulation of different species.

Mary Robison
Dictatorships such as those found in the former satellite states of the USSR were closer to Fascism, despite calling themselves socialist. So yes, I don't think you know the difference. I don't know your educational background and don't particularly care. All I know is that you misuse political terms as insults. And you assume that politicians like district attorneys always represent the will of the people. I disagree. You blame me (but not John?) for our son's upbringing. Because it's always the mother's fault.... ridiculous. I'm done with you. Say whatever you want. You aren't worth my time.

They are socialists

Note – nyah nyah!
Obviously I was worth your time John is with his son most the time. Where did I say it was the mothers fault. I don't even know you.

John did a great job of raising Cubby..

Note – see prior note on Jack's upbringing.
Mary Sweeney Warwick
Passive aggressive much Yvonne?

Note – the first of my defenders. Several more quickly piled on.
Lisa Bennett Lyman
OMG, Mary Robison. I flipping love you so!

David Esau
this yvonne appears to know nothing about civility, Christmas or propriety while using facebook.

J Robert Prout
Wow, must be something about the name Yvonne; I know of one in my area that really gets off on ass-u-ming the worst in others also and making people's lives miserable.

David Esau
sitting here slack-jawed at the nerve. what it's all about is personal responsibility. but this raises questions about overall poise. in fact, who is she helping -- RIGHTNOW??

Amélie Frank
Yvonne, you are annoying and rude. Give it a rest.

Trish InSpace
I can't see her posts, so I know which yvonne it is, she is not well, best to just not see her.

John Elder Robison
The comments on this certainly covered a lot of ground. In any case, flamethrowers are not regulated like guns and are legal more places than not. As for Cubby's trouble with the DA . . . time showed that DA for what she was, and she is long gone. As my friend in the State Police observed - the victors write the history, and I have done so. None of the people who investigated my son's videos or experiments believed he was a criminal, and none wished to see him indicted. That was pure opportunism on the prosecutor's part - a play for news coverage by making a terrorism story where there wasn't one. Finally, I'm not sure what people think is photoshopped on that image; all I did was adjust light and dark ranges. Woof!

Note- John sees, as Yvonne does not, that by attacking me, she implies that Jack's prosecution was appropriate.

Brad Beadel
Interesting to see what happens in America and at least Cubby learnt and survived. Does seem he knows the dangers of what happens with fire and he hasnt set the bush on fire yet.

Brad Beadel
Unfortunately the law always hurts the little people as there is always someone who wants to make a name for themselves who are higher in the foodchain that has no grip on reality or just dont care at all.

Kathleen B Tehrani
RAISING CUBBY is an excellent book....well worth reading. I hope anyone with a desire to understand how someone with self serving intent (that does NOT mean a D.A specifically but ANY person who is in a position of authority) can nearly ruin a young person's life....takes the time to read it and pass it along.

Not only is RAISING CUBBY's also hilarious. Great read.

RAISING CUBBY is an excellent book....well worth reading. I hope anyone with a desire to understand how someone with self serving intent (that does NOT mean a D.A specifically but ANY person who is in a position of authority and does not handle that authority with integrity) can nearly ruin a young person's life....takes the time to read it and pass it along.

Not only is RAISING CUBBY's also hilarious. Great read.

Mary Robison
Thanks for the support, folks. As far as John singlehandedly raising our son, I refer you to the dedication he wrote in the book. You can ask Jack if he was ever left unsupervised in my house. Someone else said recently that teenaged boys are like unfixed cats, slinking around in shadows and corners - and it's true. Jack has lived in his own apartment for over two years so he doesn't see his father except for family dinners. I talk to him a couple of times a day ( he called for a quick chat as I wrote this - it's snowing hard and there were five accidents on I-91 between Brattleboro and the MA state line - I told him to drive carefully). I think we both did a pretty good job raising our son, who is doing many interesting, creative, and socially-responsible things with his aspie special interests. Those stories will have to wait for another day.

Chris Nielsen Berg
Mary Robison, you and John were and are excellent co-parents for Jack! No doubt about it. I have such tremendous respect for you both.

Martha Mauck Good
You can't be complacent anymore. Thank goodness you are pro-active folks and make sure things will work when the time comes.

Barbara Wilt Gerber
I wanted one of those for Christmas.

Note – Barbara is going back to the original humorous discussion about flamethrowers. Again, everyone piles onto this.

John Elder Robison
Martha Mauck Good - you so so right! You never know when living dead will emerge from the swamp bent on evil. Fire is the surest cure

Kathleen B Tehrani
That gives me the willies.

John Elder Robison
It should. Swamps contain unspeakable horrors, just waiting for the unwary to find them.

Kathleen B Tehrani

Mary Robison
Yeah, while a 50 caliber round is equally effective against a single maurader, the noise often attracts more undesirables. A good flame thrower just sounds like a furnace cycling on and off and you don't need the precision, either.

Stephanie Rembert
would it be too weird for me to say that i think it's beautiful? because i'm totally gonna.

AS people do not like to be labeled falsely, nor do servants of the people. How about respect for all. People using autism for hate of public jobs is as disgusting as those who do so against AS people, when a few break the law and other AS people are attacked like the school , last year. You are no better than the people you hate, because of a few. Hate and bullying is cancer , even when AS people hate and bully professions

Note – now I'm a bully? And bullying people on the spectrum? WTF?

Mary, embracing hate much.? I love discussion but not when a cancerous hate is embraced. I guess the 2 Mary, s do. But that is socialism for yo

Note – yep, I guess that's exactly what Yvonne means. And she's aiming at Mary Sweeney Warwick, too, for coming to my defense.

Mary. R, A shot gun does a far better job ans was and is used by ranchers .IT SAVED THE WEST FROM NIGHT raiders. Learn some history and facts ,. It helps

Note – is this a direct threat against me? You tell me.

Oy is the perfect word. When socialists get one person who backs them up, they attack .

Brad more evil people get away than good. And tge "little" people as you reference them as always innocent are some of the worst who play victim. Like Casy Anthony

Brad more evil people get away than good. And the "little" people as you reference them , as always innocent are some of the worst who play victim and are evil. Like Casy Anthony. Crime is equal in all groups of citizens

Note – now she's comparing me to Casey Anthony, a woman who probably murdered her toddler daughter to go out clubbing and kept the decomposing body in the trunk of her car before discarding it in a swampy area.

Kathleen B Tehrani
One of the things I admire most about John, (other than his wonderfully bizzare off-the -wall humor of course), is his clear focus on a concept during a discussion.

I've never observed him attacking a person or a person's character.....just agreeing or disagreeing with an idea or concept.

I enjoy that about John's wall.

Yup John ans Maripat are excellent parents . I remember when he was suffering angst with Cubby's case and had to suffer a harrowing divorce from a non participant bio parent. He did not deserve that. As a feminist since 1969, I support equal rights for fathers.

Yup John and Maripat are excellent parents . I remember when he was suffering angst with Cubby's case and had to suffer a harrowing divorce from a non participant bio parent. He did not deserve that. As a feminist since 1969, I support equal rights for fathers.

Note – now in Yvonne's mind, I was a mother who abandoned her child and husband.

Yes I agree but there are those who hate people like DA's , children and animals. If you stand by and do nothing then you are part of the problem.

Note – and, apparently, I hate children and animals as well as DA's!

Kathleen he went after the Wright's with my support and he was justified.

Note – John did not “go after” the Wrights. He resigned from Autism Speaks after Mrs. Wright said something incredibly hurtful (and not for the first time).

Kathleen B Tehrani
I believe it was the statements that were made.....not the person.

Actually I adore Swamps. Tg at is where you find some of tge greatest art treasures of the past. The lives in swamps, bos, and quaigmeyers are incredible

Actually I adore Swamps. That is where you find some of the greatest art treasures of the past. The lives in swamps, bogs, and quaigmeyers are incredible.

Note – huh?
Kathleen that is highly sekective as statements are made from peoples opinions (The person)

Kathleen that is highly selective , as statements are made from peoples opinions (The person)

Mary Robison
Yvonne, you are a terrible bully. You were the person to first mention blame and hate, although you can always go back and edit these posts, too, to make it sound like I did that. And you know NOTHING about John's and my divorce - did you know it happened ten years before the raid, and that we shared 50/50 parenting for all of the years until Jack was 18? John's second divorce was the one just after the trial - and I had nothing to do with that! John and Maripat got married two years ago, when Jack was 21. I agree that she is an excellent parent, but she didn't raise Jack. Yvonne, you are a terrible fool, a bullying monster, and you demonstrate it with every utterance on this thread. John - can you take it all down, please?

Note – My temper is GONE! John's second marriage (not Maripat - she is his third wife - and I agree with Yvonne that MP is a wonderful person - but Yvonne doesn't KNOW MP and I do!) was to the woman with whom he was inappropriate while we were married. At the time, I stayed as far away as possible from that quagmire, for my own sanity!

What makes Swamp Thangs evil? Have you ever met one?

Note – guess I'm a Swamp Thang, now!
Mary , only one person labels DAs with such venom and it was you, alone at the start. Perpetuating thefrom the start, . I am glad you divorced John. It made way for a beautiful marriage of non hate withMaripat. The reason John stays out of controversy on his wall is because he had a life time of it with Madame Mao in a marriage.

Note – except when I'm Madam Mao. But – go back and look. How much venom did I spew about DA's? This is where I called Maripat and talked to her for a while, then did my best to NOT respond to anything.
John was and is a great parent. Sorry you diagree

Note – never said, in my posts, that John was not a good parent. And I continue to think he did his best; he just wasn't around very much for those first seven years. He was much better after our divorce.

John Elder Robison
Come on people! It's a humorous post about a kid with a flamethrower and zombies in the swamp! It's not a parenting fight or a political fight! Yvonne, please key off Little Bear. She is a fine parent and is on the spectrum too. Little Bear has nothing to do with the entertainment value of this image. As for the Wrights . . . I did not ever attack them - I don't attack any of you - I just said that I did not want to be part of an organization whose leadership expresses the thoughts expressed by Mrs Wright in her recent op ed. The Wrights are fine people but their world view is seemingly very different from my own.

Nope D A. Hate was brought up by whom ....?....?... hmmmmm

Littke bear blamed DAs as a group

John Elder Robison
I don't know which of you brought up "hate" but it was not me, and was never the point when I post pictures for entertainment. Woof!

John I never said attacked. I stated went after. Huge difference

Kathleen B Tehrani
You're better than that Yvonne. Don't go down that road.....stating ideas is fine, but don't attack people. You're better than that.

Dissing ALL DAs was brought up my Mary Robison

Kathleen iguess you joined in

John Elder Robison
OK, attacked, went after . . . the point is not who used which word. The point is that I was posting entertaining images and captions and the commentary moved rather far off that mark.

Better than what Kathleen, do tell

Who attacked whom first Kathleen.?

Do address Mary who posted the ill will about DAs

Kathleen B Tehrani
Last comment (sorry John):
You're highly intelligent Yvonne and you can make valid points without focusing on personalities. That's what I meant by "Better than that".

Kathleen , so can you hmmm?

John Elder Robison
In my opinion - and this is my page, after all - what matters is that I didn't attack any of you, and if you want to fight between each other, this should not be the place for it.

Kathleen B Tehrani
Peace out.

Neil M. Fennessey
Hey. Your fans are fighting for your special favor and recognition! Pretty amazing.

Taking screen shot else where. ? You are correct john

So glad Maripat is such a brilliant lovi g person. Evening all

So glad Maripat is such a brilliant lovi g person. Evening all . This will be remembered

Note – this also sounds like a threat.

Mary Robison
You can't argue with crazy. Blocking.

Actually not me Neil. I have my own recognition thank you . Plus I never had to feed off my husbands name. My book will be out soon. I had a horse load of business responsibilities which slowed it down. See you all again

Neil M. Fennessey
Yes, I too have fed off of John's and Mary's fame. Bound to happen since I've known them both for 40+ years. Through good times and bad and now again through the good times thanks in part to Maripat. John's acknowledgments in this latest book nail it so well.

Mary Robison
I love you, Neil. You're another of my brothers, just from a different mother.

Gordon Taylor
Yvonne, you throw around words like socialist, communist, fascist, racist and nazi like rocks at people. And in our society, about the three of the worst words you can call people are nazi, communist, or fascist. And you use all three words with reckless abandon, not caring who you hurt. This is cyber bullying.

Eugenia Brady
You go get'em Jack!!!!

I use them with experience and wisdom. Especially when good , caring DA' are Gordon did not John as for humor. I could say you do make me laugh so perhaps respect our host;)

Gordon Taylor
Yvonne, you would flunk polisci 101. And perhaps writing 101. And communications 101.

Gordon its historical facts not name callling but political afffliiation like Swamp Thing :))) if the politically bent swamp fits, wear it. Personallly I cant stand blood sucking leaches in swamps , in pokitics , or real life who suck blood of happy talented peoples

Gordon Taylor
Who writes your lines? The late Ayn Rand?

Calling my typing on a new tablet I hate , I have hadvthehonor of. Being ueen of typoes 1.thank you for your politically attempted try at demeaning with judging typing on social boards . Pretty desoerate when tge do the typo spelling complaint , Considering the scource, If that is alll a leach cn do, then its not the most talented. Leach of the swamp.

Gordon Taylor
Please stop projecting. You are blinding me.

Say goodnight Gordon.

Gordon Taylor
Goodnight Gordon.

Night Mary and blocking youself never works

I was hoping you would respond withat line Lol There is hooe for you yet !

I was hoping you would respond withat line Lol There is hope for you yet !

Nice to see. I am getting stalkers from this page . The only site I ever got them. As much as like John . Mamy of his followers are stalking and violent. They seem to have a commmon character , and hide behind fake Fb acccounts. ? This telks me even more,. ALL PMS ARE saved

Leo Zicc
hold it...hold it. i can fix this. my dad is a tv repairman, he has an awesome set of tools!

Note – this looks like the end of it. Opinions, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone know that there are only two lines to list previous wives on the standard marriage application? When we did our paperwork, I pointed this out to John. The max is two previous, one present. Just sayin'.

    Mary's a supportive parent, and she's always encouraged Jack to be a free thinker. I think a sign of successful parenting is whether our kids want to be with us when they no longer have to. Peace
