Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lit guitar, update

     I've finished the hardware portion of the Lit Guitar, now I just want to tweak the bitmaps of the patterns it makes and it will be totally done! Here's a link to the video that Jack and I made of the first pattern. I'm very pleased it turned out so well. And ignore the black spot on the border - it's just a chunk of electrical tape that is holding the battery in place while the back is removed. Since I have to remove the microprocessor chip to update its program, I didn't want to put the back on until it totally finished.
     I designed the hardware, figured out how it would all fit inside the existing cut-out on the guitar that I was sent, and built the whole thing. Jack wrote the program and came up with the initial bitmaps. I will story-board what I want the patterns to do (tonight) and alter the existing bitmaps, now that Jack has explained to me how the program interprets them.Then, I just have to upload the program into the microprocessor, reinstall it in the guitar, and replace the mirror-back.Yahoo! The end is not only in sight, it will occur in the next 24 hours!
     I'm really happy. This is the first BIG project that Jack and I have completed together. Next, the quadrocopter!

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